Month: March 2019

Month: March 2019

30 Mar 2019

Original doors: installing thin double glazing into marginal light

Marginal light doors are slender glazing bars can be a tricky process maintaining the original look of the original doors. These doors already had stunning textured and coloured glass in place prior t...
11 Mar 2019

What will triple glazed sash windows do for noise reduction

We recently have had a significant uptick in the number of enquiries for triple glazed sash windows and I thought it would be easier to write an entire article that covers all of the benefits of tripl...
10 Mar 2019

How secondary glazed sash windows were used by Islington council to sign off an incorrect install in a conservation area

I learnt something rather interesting this week when a customer enquired about new double glazed sash windows. They contacted me because of an incorrect install approximately a couple of years before ...
04 Mar 2019

Double glazing original sash windows and repairing where necessary in Islington, Holloway

Original sash window double glazed and built back in situ with a draught proofing system
In this case study we double glazed the original sash windows. This involves installing double glazed units into the original sash. There was also sash window repairs to effect and at the same time we...