Month: January 2019

Month: January 2019

26 Jan 2019

Sash window repair North London: replacement sash rail

Sash window repair in North London after rail replacement.
The lower bottom sash rail is particularly vulnerable to weathering. It’s one of the most exposed points on a sash window and the most common failure points on properties in North London. The bottom...
17 Jan 2019

New Double Glazed Sash Windows Using The Original Box Frame in North London

This was an extremely pleasing install. The result is almost identical.
This install of double glazed sash windows into the original frame in North London was particular gratifying because the match for the original windows took considerable effort to make like for like a...
02 Jan 2019

Preventing condensation on sash windows

preventing condensation on sash windows
When condensation on sash windows form, we need two basic conditions to be met: outside air temperature needs to be far lower than inside our home. Then, we must have a saturation of moisture(relative...