Month: June 2017

Month: June 2017

25 Jun 2017

Listed building sash window repair, draught proofing, and double glazing

listed sash windows
It is a privilege to own a listed building of both architectural and historical significance, and this brings certain complications when there is structurally an issue or you wish to upgrade, but that...
15 Jun 2017

What can we do with subsidence and wonky sash windows?

Sash window hung and installed into the frame.
Sash window hung and installed into the frame.
Every London homeowner will come across a situation whereby the window frames and sashes do not sit square in the head of the box. This is perfectly normal and as a result of a hundred years of house ...
11 Jun 2017

The benefits of thin double glazing versus standard double glazed units installed into my original sash windows.

Double glazing an original sash window in a listed property
A single glazed sash window that has had the original glass and putty removed, ready for an installation of a slim double glazed unit.
Thin double glazing units are one of the best technological advances to come from sash windows in the last forty years. Thin double glazing has made it possible to double glaze almost any original sas...
04 Jun 2017

Save Energy At Home Starting With Sash Windows

One of the best ways to do our bit for the environment is save energy in the home. We all forget to turn off lights, or turn down the heating when the room is more than comfortable already and these a...